
Welcome to my site. Here you will find a random assortment of information and topics related to amateur radio, with a heavy focus on amateur satellite reception. To see more of my content or to contact me, check out my social media links below;

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If you are feeling extra generous you can also support me directly via Ko-fi. Special thanks to;

brongle - microp11 - thebaldgeek - Xerbo - Whatwhatphysics - yakko warner - BackHive - Carl Reinemann - hmdsamarasekara - Nautiluscl - Martin HB9FXX - KentuckyFriedData - Pablo de la Fuente - LudaN - Mikael Falkvidd - transistorman - Skunkola - AsciiWolf - Steven Kittelsen - Tecas Science Guy - R1chä - Damian Nowak

Helical antenna calculator
Satellite frequency list
Device screen information

See much more content on my YouTube channel
Nokia 3310 USB-C and battery modification
All you need to know about the upcoming NOAA-21 satellite
Artemis I mission radio frequency allocations
CGMS 50 weather satellite status summary
How to receive and decode KG-STV image transmissions
Beginner's guide to HRPT reception
Hard-wiring an LNB to use the high band 10.6 GHz oscillator
Receiving Starlink satellite beacons on a budget
NOAA-2 returning from the dead