CGMS 50 weather satellite status summary

16 June 2022

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The following information is not only a short excerpt from the CGMS 50 presentation, it is also even further summarized and only contains information more or less relevant to the hobby of amateur satellite reception. If you are interested in more, visit the official page.

The information presented below has been taken from the presentations of various agencies (accessible via the aforementioned link) for the CGMS 50 conference, taking place between 15 and 17 June, 2022. As such, at the time of publishing this article, it should be as up-to-date as it gets (while the conference is still underway, the relevant presentations have already been published much earlier).

The table depicts a summary of select weather satellite statuses mentioned in the different presentations, and as such doesn't include information about satellites that haven't been brought up during the conference. Some constellations particularly "uninteresting" for amateur reception have also been omitted. No updates on Russian weather satellites are included, as the Roscosmos/Roshydromet presentation focused only on data products of Arktika-M N1 and did not mention Meteor-M or Elektro-L.

All the information is subject to change (and likely will change). This is only a snapshot of the current and expected status, as of June 16, 2022.

CMA (China)

FengYun-2 (GEO imaging)
FengYun-2F out of service Apr 1 2022
FengYun-2G operational
FengYun-2H operational

FengYun-3 (LEO imaging)
FengYun-3B stopped operation Dec 1 2021
FengYun-3C operational with degraded performance
FengYun-3D operational
FengYun-3E operational
FengYun-3F expected late 2022
FengYun-3G expected late 2022
FengYun-3H expected mid 2023
FengYun-3I expected 2026
FengYun-3J expected 2027

FengYun-4 (GEO imaging)
FengYun-4A operational
FengYun-4B operational
FengYun-4C expected 2024
FengYun-4D expected 2027
FengYun-4E expected 2029
FengYun-4F expected 2034

FengYun-4 MW (GEO microwave sounding)
FengYun-4MW 1 expected 2025
FengYun-4MW 2 expected 2029

FengYun-5 (LEO imaging)
FengYun-5A expected 2028
FengYun-5B expected 2030

FengYun-6 (GEO imaging)
FengYun-6A expected after 2035

Eumetsat (European Union)

Meteosat Second Generation (GEO imaging)
Meteosat-8 operational, IODC
Meteosat-9 operational, IODC
Meteosat-10 operational, rapid scan
Meteosat-11 operational, full disk

Meteosat Third Generation (GEO imaging (I) & sounding (S))
MTG-I1 (Meteosat-12) expected Nov 2022
MTG-S1 (Meteosat-13) expected 2024
MTG-I2 (Meteosat-14) expected 2025

MetOp (LEO imaging)
MetOp-A decommissioned Nov 2021
MetOp-B operational
MetOp-C operational

MetOp Second Generation (LEO imaging (A) & sounding (B))
MetOp-SG A1 expected 2025
MetOp-SG B1 expected 2025

ISRO (India)

Insat-3 (GEO imaging)
Insat-3D operational, sounder stopped Sep 2020
Insat-3DR operational
Insat-3DS expected 2024

Oceansat (LEO imaging)
Oceansat-2 mission end mid 2022
Oceansat-3 expected Sep 2022

JMA (Japan)

Himawari (GEO imaging)
Himawari-8 operational, switch to standby Dec 2022
Himawari-9 standby, switch to operational Dec 2022
Himawari-10 expected 2028

KMA (South Korea)

GEO-KOMPSAT-2 (GEO imaging)
GK-2A operational
GK-2B operational

GK-2A Follow-On (GEO imaging & sounding)
GK-2AFO Imager expected 2031
GK-2AFO Sounder expected 2034

NOAA (United States)

GOES (GEO imaging)
GOES-16 (GOES-R) operational
GOES-17 (GOES-S) operational
GOES-18 (GOES-T) commissioning
GOES-19 (GOES-U) expected 2024

JPSS (LEO imaging)
NOAA-20 (JPSS-1) operational
NOAA-21 (JPSS-2) expected Nov 2022
NOAA-22 (JPSS-3) expected 2026
NOAA-23 (JPSS-4) expected 2031

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